Friday, March 19, 2021

ISO Night of Snow


Thoughts, please be nice.

Lately, you have been quite harmful, raking at my consciousness.

Keeping me awake at night and preventing slumber.

Sleep-deprived because of everything going on.

Tossing and turning wishing you would go dark for once.

I hover throughout the day wishing to close my eyes but I cannot.

Can you please be quiet so I may sleep?

My darling, I shall not stop, these topics are pressing.

You cannot avoid these for long, they are for your own safety.

You must think for this is your only time for yourself.

Rest has to wait and I have to be awake.

I might not be liked, but fear not because I am help.

Harmful may be what I am, but I hope I am not.

One day I will be gone, but for now, you must be here.

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