Friday, April 23, 2021

conversation starter

 Your art project. What was it about again?

Oh yeah! It’s about different peoples’ perspectives of their own end of the world. Essentially, it is relatable topics of which could ruin someone’s life.

That is so cool! What are your ideas?

Well, there's drug addiction, depression, failure, and betrayal. How is your project going?


Well, how's work going?

Even more terrible.

Friday, April 16, 2021

ISO Metaphor Poem

 The Dog

The dog was raised by him.

All he knew was him.

He trusted him.

He would do anything for him.

He would love him no matter what.

Even if it hurt him every day.

Even if he damages him.

He has been trained to live for him.

And he will.

Even if it will lead to his destruction.

Free write poem

 The Corrupt President

The man who sang made a country.

It was a special place.

Away from brutality and tyranny.

For freedom and liberty.

But it was taken away from him.

It was his place. For his people.

The place is gone now.

Destroyed by him because it ruined him.

The thought of someone else having it.

“If I can’t have it, no one can!” he yelled.

And he pressed the button.

The button of destruction.

Then dying at the hands of his father.

Begging to be killed along with his land.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

A note to my younger self


Stop worrying so much

You will still be quite anxious when you’re older. That's just your nature.

Keep in mind that anything embarrassing you do, no one will remember.

You’re fine. Laugh it off.

You will forget everything. Write it down.

Stop being so morbid. You’re not getting any good attention.

Stop being so mean to your friends. I know that's your way of showing love, but stop.

I know I should be saying nicer things, but honestly, I don’t like you.

I don’t want to remember anything I did. I just want you to fix it.

I guess I’ll say something hopeful. I know you like drawing right now.

You’re really bad at it, but keep going. You’ll get a lot better and will get into AP art.

You won’t be the best at it, but you’re good.

If I Should Have a Child


Your name could be Malakai, or Winter, or Alec, or River. I don’t know yet.

I don’t know if I’ll even have a child. But I’ve planned out those names for years.

Hopefully like any parent, I would want you to have a good life.

I want you to feel safe in our home and with me.

Malakai, I want you to feel like your thoughts matter.

I will never push you aside or hold my standards higher than yours.

Winter, I want you to feel like you are free to be who you want to be without judgment.

I don’t want you to feel like I won’t love you for who you are.

Alec, I want to be there for you. I don’t want you to feel as if you need to hide anything from me.

I don’t want you to fear me.

River, I want you to know that it's okay to be scared, or sad, or angry.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t.

I don't know if I’ll be a good parent.

I make so many promises that are hard to keep.

I’m scared that I’ll ruin your life unintentionally.

You didn’t ask to be in this broken world.

You might not even exist.

I might save you from living this mess.

But if you do end up being here with me, just know that I love you.

The Beach

 A short story George ran out of the woods, terrified. The thing that was chasing him wasn’t human, he knew. It moved like nothing he’s seen...