Friday, February 26, 2021

ISO "I am Patient" poem

 I am Agreeable

I am agreeable

but have strong opinions

I will go along with whatever
as my mind yells out

what I want

one day you will see

I will not agree

with anything you say.

Personal Narrative 1

     Ever since I was little, I showed horses every summer along with my older sisters, Chelsea and Corrie, at the Genesse county campgrounds. When I was around six and Corrie thirteen, I had a friend around my age at one of those horse shows. One very hot and dry day, Corrie was watching me while my friend and I played tag. We just got out of the pool after a long day of showing and were dripping wet. In our t-shirts and shorts, we ran throughout the dusty horse barn, the dirt clinging to us as we chased each other in laughter. I ran out of the barn first, clearly faster than my friend. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain land on my back. He threw a rock at me! I was hurt both physically and emotionally. I’m now on the ground crying as his mom and my sister run over. Corrie is panicking because she was supposed to watch me and not let me get hurt. His mom made him apologize and my sister made us hug, but I was glaring at her the whole time. After that, my little six-year-old self blocked him from my life, and I completely avoided him until I never saw him again.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Something you should know

 is that my nephew has abandonment issues.

For Christmas, my sister and her son came to visit.

We went to the mall and I had to look after him while

she shopped alone. He did not

want to leave his mom and he

cried and screamed the entire time

for her return. I was annoyed, but I suppose

I am the same way but dialed down.

I feel very stressed and alone when

left to fend for myself.

Friday, February 5, 2021

3 words to describe 2021

 My three word that would describe my 2021 are thoughts, disappointment, and music.

My first word, thoughts, is referring to me thinking a lot about my future. College is on my mind a lot lately. Northern Michigan University is turning out to be the college I might go to and it's scaring me. It is 7 hours away from home and I'm afraid I'm not ready to be that far away. My older sister lives up there, so I suppose I won't be entirely lonely.

My second word, disappointment, refers to my senior year. I didn't have one. My senior year was spent sitting at a desk. Last year's seniors were pitied so much for just losing 2 months. I lost my entire senior year and I'm not even getting a yard sign.

Music is currently keeping me sane. Classes are piling up homework and I'm stressing to keep my grades up at A's. The majority of my day is spent listening to music so I can stay calm. I don't really like any particular genre, just anything that sounds good. I have one playlist I listen to and its filled with a combination of sad songs like songs from Wilbur Soot and angry or dark ones like songs from Corpse.

The Beach

 A short story George ran out of the woods, terrified. The thing that was chasing him wasn’t human, he knew. It moved like nothing he’s seen...