Friday, March 26, 2021

ISO "The Madness Vase"

 Dear Friend

I’m not good with handling emotions

I don’t know how to react to the majority of things

But I try to help the best I can

I’m here to listen

My parents don't have that many problems

But I know you have a vast amount of problems

I’m struggling too for different reasons but I’ll never say because I’ll take the spotlight from you

You need much more help than me

Please talk more because I know you need to let it out

You’re an amazing friend and I love you

You deserve so much more than how you're treated at home

Your anger is justified

You asked to get taken away from your house but I couldn’t

I can’t drive yet.

I hoped to drive soon so I can take you somewhere more peaceful

You moved away

Now I won't ever get the chance

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